Thursday, October 7, 2010

Being Still

Never in my life have I valued quietness like I do now. By nature, I'm an extrovert. I thrive on being around other people. Yet now that I'm a mother I cherish quiet, still moments. I love my family. I love the sound of Andy galloping down the hallway. I love the sound of his laugh when his daddy tackles him and tickles him. I love the sound of him singing "Jesus Loves Me." I love to hear my sweet Ava "talking" to me with her coos and sighs. But, I also love the still moments when they are tucked in bed and I'm alone. It's really the first time in my life that I've craved time alone. Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I am God." Way too many times I've just been still. Period. The other day the Lord reminded me during one of my precious quiet moments that there is a second part to that verse: "Know that I am God." I pray that the Lord would continue to remind me of that until I get it. I pray that I would use my quiet moments wisely to remember that He is God, and He deserves my complete devotion in the quiet moments as well as the chaotic ones.

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